625 iced amethyst, 027 violet frenzy, 043 midnight mystery, 672 brazilian tan, 815 fuchsia shock, 619 rose & shine, 473 mauvy night, 610 goldpearl plum, 660 berry haute, 440 cherries in the snow, 683 demure, 805 kissable pink, 535 rum raisin, 045 naughty plum, 423 pink velvet, 457 wild orchid, 668 primrose, 637 blushing nude, 405 silver city pink, 725 love that red, 300 coffee bean, 773 i got chills, 425 softsilver red, 750 kiss me coral, 677 siren, 025 sky line pink, 103 caramel glace, 766 secret club, 778 pink promise, 641 spicy cinnamon, 654 ravish me red, 761 extra spicy